Welcome to Alive Connections

Who We Are

Welcome to Alive Connections! We are a global consulting and coaching company specializing in human talent development. We work with leading organizations to provide consultancy services to corporate, education, and social sectors. We are passionate about what we do and help clients to improve, innovate their practices to become the leader in their own field.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a global leading consultancy company on human talent development and help clients attract, develop, and retain their outstanding people.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help clients develop optimum and sustainable improvements to their business performance through professional integrity, delivering excellent results, creating innovative solutions, and caring deeply for their organization.

We Practice Values of Integrity, Excellence, Innovation, and Care

We believe every client is unique. We give our full and equal attention to technicalities and relationships. We work with our clients on a collaborative manner, using our expert skills to help them improve the business. We also work with our clients to tailor-made the solutions, develop their capabilities, and to continue building on our commission, thus helping them to become self-reliant.

Integrity: We promise to be authentic and observe total confidentiality with our clients.

Excellence: We provide outstanding quality services to our clients.

Innovation: We aim to use new and proven cutting edge ideas and knowledge in our services to our clients.

Care: We have deep regard and thoughts for our clients.

Our Team

We believe in team-work. We recruit like-minded people who embrace our philosophy wholeheartedly. Our global partners are from United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Britain bringing their own expertise and experience to our clients. We work with our global partners as a fully committed team to provide seamless services to our clients.

Our Consulting Services

· Assessment Tools - Leadership/Personality/Career

· Strategic Leadership Development Programs

· Executive Coaching Programs

· Soft Skills Training Program

Thursday 26 May 2011

Is health insurance program important for your business?

Recently, there has been a lot of comments in the media on the increased cost of health insurance and the new terms and conditions that are being imposed by insurers to contain claim costs. Your question may be: in what way and how much will this affect your business?

Whatever may be the amount of premium increase the benefits you, as a business owner or employer, have in a health insurance program for your employees will generally outweigh the problems of not having any health insurance at all.

So, what are the major benefits of having a health insurance program:-

Ø  Budgeting and Cost: You will have a definite fixed annual cost for healthcare.  If healthcare is self-funded, there is a danger of costs being much higher than expected if there is a large claim (or increase in the number of claims).

Ø  Formalised Benefits: The benefits for each employee are clear and documented.  There is less potential for discussion over how much funding is available  and what should be paid for, hence less potential for employee relations problems.

Ø  Higher Benefits: The chances of a very large claim are slight, but it can happen. Can you afford to say to your employees that you will fund their healthcare up to very high limits (and then hope it does not happen because of the impact that have on your profits)? With health insurance, the risk of such large claims is spread and so made more affordable.

Ø  Administration Costs are Reduced: Your health insurance provider will take over much of the administration previously done by your HR / Finance function.

Ø  Improved Labour Relations: You do not have to become involved in the detailed negotiation of each claim.  If claims are not payable (for whatever reason), your health insurance provider will clearly explain the situation to the employee.

Ø  Lower Costs in the Long Run: Insurers can often negotiate lower costs with healthcare providers.  Also, detailed reports can pinpoint where healthcare costs are highest so that corrective action can be taken to ensure that costs (and hence premiums) do not escalate excessively.

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